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Throughout my career, I have worked for reputable organisations like CNN, NBC News, Sky News and Greenpeace UK. I have a background in invesitgative journalism, covering stories relating to Africa, Race, Social Justice & Climate Change. I'm also passionate about reporting on Fashion, Culture and Entertainment.  

Working With the best organisations... 

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Environmental Racism in the South US

Company billed as UK’s ‘largest source of renewable energy’ has now been forced to make settlement payments for air pollution claims against three of its US pellet plants - two of them are sited in poor, majority-Black communities

Toxic Fashion 

An Unearthed investigation has revealed how off-cuts from Cambodian factories supplying major brands are being used to fuel brick-kilns - exposing workers to toxic fumes.

Viral interview with 16-year-old BLM protestor Raymon Curry

 Sam Quashie-Idun talks to Raymon Curry, a 16-year old protestor who explains the rage of young people trying to protest non-violently for lasting change.

Racism And Propaganda: Africans In China Complain Of Discrimination In The Time Of COVID 

Africans in China have complained of harassment, discrimination and even eviction - while being accused of carrying the Coronavirus since early April. NBC News Verification Unit investigates the allegations, and the ensuing propaganda battle.

The Environmental Catastrophe We Could Actually Stop

Moored in one of the world’s most beautiful marine environments is a decaying oil tanker. Inside, a million barrels of oil which experts fear could leak out at any moment. 

NBC: Live Hit on Plastic Pollution in Kenya

My intro starts at 19:27 - I discuss plastic pollution in Kenya. This is following the American Chemistry Council’s proposal to the US International Trade Commission, calling for changes to be made to the upcoming US-Kenya Trade Deal whereby Kenya would be used as a hub to supply US made plastics across Africa.

We are Greenpeace

Watch the video to see how Greenpeace will tackle the climate and nature crisis thanks to its supporters. I discuss what my investigative unit has uncovered over the years.

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